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Thursday Challenge: Colorful Toronto (October 2004) It wasn't a great idea after all. That is having my first haircut in Canada. Last Sunday, I trooped to Chinatown along Gerrard and Broadview to have a $6 hay-ca (read as haircut). Now my crown's covering is thinner, and my scalp is almost exposed to the twister-like winds. To think it's a couple of months to winter. The solution? to stay indoors. Not really indoors, inside the apartment, but spending quality time indoors in - hold your breath - Toronto Public Libraries. Its been two days that we've visited the Yonge-Bloor and North York public libraries being systematic (read- serious) in our job hunting, reading on career opportunities, searching for job recruiters and revamping resumes. I finally realized why Canadians are great intellects - they really use their libraries to the max. People visit to use the internet, finish their schoolwork, read, read and read some more. Its an unending search for knowledge for them. I'm now part of the intellectual bunch - only because of the weather.... << |