Rock Concert in Tobermory Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
A Weekend in the Bruce Peninsula Tobermory, Ontario, Canada Click number to view larger pic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 or watch them all as a slideshow Timeline: 420 am : Alarm rings for the first time (Junnie ignores it) 425 am : Alarm rings for the 2nd time (Junnie ignores it again) 430 am : Alarm rings for the 3rd time (Junnie is roused from sleep, but by Mitzi) 440 am : Start cooking breakfast, pretending to be awake (hope I dont burn the apartment down) 450 am : Now awake (takes me 30 minutes to wake up - ready for showers) 600 am : Phone rings (Jo and family are ready to go, we're ready too - NOT!) 620 am : I looked like the cover of "Atlas Shrugged" as I carried 40 lbs of picnic thingamajigs 630 am : Zoom Zoom (Became dyslexic as I read 80 kph to be 100, and 100 to be 120 kph) 800 am : King of the Road!!! 806 am : First stop (two traffic lights to make sure I do) (see 2) 915 am : Meet with the Arduos at 1000 am: arrives at Wiarton, it seems that we were the only ones on the road 1050 am: arrives at Tobermory - the Little Tub Harbor (one of the few quaint harbors remaining in Ontario) 1115 am: bought tickets to the 1115 am glass bottom boatride (that's why I was driving fast) to the Flower Pot Island (hmmmm...) 1130 am: sees one of the first of two shipwrecks 1135 am: Big Tub Lighthouse 1200 nn: Weather wasnt as good, but the sun was starting to peek through the clouds 1215 pm: Ahhhhhh....that's why its called the Flower Pot Island...i was thinking of a different pot...just like in Netherlands. 1216 pm: The bigger one and then the smaller one..Welcome to the Flower Pot Island 1235 pm: Ready for the Hike? 1240 pm: Kain muna... then burn it! 115 pm : Pit stop. First of the 2 remaining Flower pots - DONE! 125 pm : Mitzi making sure this stands up for the next generation to see. 130 pm : to the next flower pot - still smiling! 135 pm : if only I have the same energy as Jo's kids 140 pm : Bigger Flower Pot - conquered! Now let's go back... 145 pm : More people coming - to see the Rock Concert 150 pm : Back hiking again 155 pm : No, I'm not doing it against the 200 pm : Almost back to the finish line, that wasnt hard. Let me walk on slabs of stone instead. 210 pm : Signs of the times - good. I dont have plans. 330 pm : Back in Little Tub - one of the few quaint harbors left in Ontario. Didn't I just say that earlier...? 335 pm : Checked in our lakeview cottage - wow! (please use your imagination, how great the view was) 400 pm : Barbecue time (I'm turning over my photographer hat and putting on my griller's hat!) 500 pm : Dinner time (grilled pork chop, corn, chicken adobo, rice, wipe off that drool) 745 pm : Sunset time 800 pm : While waiting for the sunset, let's play "guess what shape we're making" 810 pm : O or Heart? 812 pm : Still no sunset, let's continue the game, M or M? 815 pm : Waiting for the sunset too? A photographer photographed 830 pm : Ok, this photographer is tired now.... 835 pm : check me out and see my reflection in a bubble Just as we were driving away from the Singing Sands, the majestic sun bade goodbye, showing us his radiance and splendor from the rear view mirror.... some other time, we'll be back.... << |