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Our First Week Mississauga (October 2004) I don't really know where to start. Amidst the "heavy" carpentry and "all-day" shopping, I must have lost that "blog touch." (if there was really one). Should I start on the fact that we moved on a rainy Saturday, the last weekend of the month? imagine moving mattress, and bed box in the rain? what about writing how I drove a van for the first time along Canadian busy highways and did it with flying colors despite the less than perfect weather conditions? what about the transfer wouldn't have been possible without the help of our great hosts plus enjoying the help of their cute kids too? and yes, spending the rest of the day shopping and the night, carving our first pumpkins on the night of Hollow's Eve? Should I also mention that our first day was a better one, sunny but still windy? And that I went to one successful job interview last week and another one next week? hmmm and yes, in 6 days we were able to unload our boxes, finished our kitchen, organized our walk-in closet and getting warmed-up in our new bedroom? There's so many things to blog about, but where do I start? << |