Shooting Star Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
She's A Star (Mississauga, August 2005) A hedge between keeps friendships green, and its been a hedge of close to a decade. Although we've reconnnected in the last year, the bonds of friendship has been there since we were 12 years old. We've been witnesses to each one's transformation. From our bepimbpled pre-teen stages, spending time in the same classroom for 5 years, sharing a lot of common friends even after college and evolving to more serious people like we are now (the last one is a joke): - She's one of the reasons why our batch won't have a boy within the top 3. Guess who broke the tradition and barged into the top 3, once and never did again? - She's never this dashing and sexy (naks) but was always one of the boys, where she was, yes, the sexiest too. - All-around, not just in academics (she's Number 1 in class) but she may not be proud of it, but she's also an all around in music - a good banduria player, o dont forget angklung and lyre band too. - I'm not sure of it, but her hairstyle (long, perfect for a Pantene-commercial), has been like that since 6th grade. (Except probably for the grad pic session, which consider me a good friend, I'll not scan for her sanity sake). - Orignally, she's had an American last name, even before she became American this year. But she's been a Maria Clara all throughout, except when people talk about music and yes, Rick Springfield and Duran Duran (what's with the passion for long hair?) and she starts to hyperventilate and her voice range changes from 3 to 300 decibels. - August 14 will always be a day that I'll try to greet her, and even during the last 9 years we've been distant from each other, I've sent an email (with no replies), today will be different - I can greet her - personally - but she doesn't want surprise house calls - so maybe next year.... Happy Birthday Vintage Star! A friend from start to end! (pun, as always, intended) << |