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Staples on a Post Queen St. West (November 2004) until it reaches a point where it gives pain to us. "- Mark Twain It was supposed to be a great tree with sturdy branches and a solid trunk. Birds could've continuously nestled to make it their home. It may have grown fruits or opened its arms to provide ample shade for lovers. But for now, it serves a purpose other than hold up the streetlights - to carry on the burden of holding out what we have to say, notices that carry our bickerings against men, our endless complaints and criticisms, invitations for some mundane gathering, and for some more time to be punished by the many staple holes it has survived. Yet it remains solid, standing to be punished some more...for our sake. Just like our Christ - the King. It's more than Thanksgiving week for some of us. Its also Christ the King week and the start of Advent. Are you ready for His coming? << |