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Lady In Waiting Rathburn Bus Shelter (January 2005)
"The only reason you are happy is because you choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice, and so is suffering"-The 4 Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
4 - A quartet, a foursome...
The word four has four letters. In the English language there is no other number whose number of letters is equal to its value.
The number four on a calculator is made up of four light bars.
Many things are arranged in fours. There are four suits in a deck of cards, four points of the compass, and four phases of the moon. There are four wings on a bee and four leaves on a clover, if you are lucky.
The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. This theme has provided inspiration for many artists, for the composer Vivaldi, and for countless take-away pizza establishments.
A tetrahedron is a kind of pyramid with four triangular faces. It also has four corners.
Why did I come up with trivia list on 4?
Well, today, we are celebrating our fourth month in a new land - enjoying every minute!
Four-ward march!
Aside from our family, I miss our dogs. By now, we could've been posing in pics like this.
Recently, I got a text that Lausanne is now preggy, and to no less than than our very own Paris (Paris pic exactly a year ago today).
Incest? not really. True love? who knows. Destiny? Definitely!