Mac Convert Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next Come In and Sit Mecca for MacAddicts (see the line for the new Mac Minis?) Saturday Organic Market at 3rd Street Promenade An Apple Today Takes Care of My Blues Away Los Angeles (January 2005) I had (sort of) an epiphany. After waking up at 7 am and travelling from Manhattan Beach to Sta Monica for the launch of the Ipod Shuffle and Apple Mac Mini, I stopped dead on my tracks. While in line for an Ipod, I suddenly balked at the idea. Just like when Depeche Mode came to Manila, I held the idea up to the last minute and in front of the ticket office, hesitated to buy any. I never got to see my all-time favorite band. To this day I remember the feeling saved only by my then girlfriend (now my wife) who kidnaped me and brought me to the Folk Arts Theatre in a taxi and we stayed outside the grounds and listened to our hearts content. It was also my birthday 1992. I have that tendency to clam up in the last minute and just drop the idea. For whatever reason, I don't really know. Finally, we ended up getting the Mac Mini for the new office and a Powerbook stand for me. O yes, at 9:26am, all the Ipods were sold out too. Good riddance! << |