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Transformation Burnhamthorpe, Mississauga (June 2005) --Peter Shepherd You wouldn't know that this dandelion looked like this just a couple of weeks ago. The dandelion is an enigma of a plant. Either you hate it or like it. In spring in the Northern Hemisphere it shows its radiant yellow colors as it blankets parks. But farmers consider them as weeds and are removed from their farmlands as much as possible. At the onset of summer, it loses its petals and turns out like a pom pom or a burst of fireworks with its fine tentacles, proving too cute to look at - but a bane for those who are descendants of one of the 7 dwarves, Sneezy. Dandelions are like us - radiant in youth, vibrant and excitable, athletic and manly, fashionista and well groomed. But in time, we all shed our skin, lose hair and gain weight. People might not know it was us lest we show them something to make them remember. "Hey look at my mole". "Remember how we used to sing in videoke bars". "Here's the scar of the last war we were in". It's a hard fact of life, we are dandelions in this earth. People either like us with our colorful personality or abhore us as we're like weeds in spring. In our dying years, we are cute from afar like a pompom with our wisdom and wit but people don't want to get near us, as they turn bashful, grumpy and most of all sneezy. It's always good to have someone like a life partner and your family to always see you as you are. In their eyes, you're never a weed but a blossom and never have to prove who you are. They don't become sneezy near you. It is reassuring that they see you as their Prince Charming for the rest of your lives. << |