An Apple Today Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Puddycombe Farms in Hamilton, Ontario hosted our Pick-Your-Own Apple visit Got to the farm as early as 9:30 am and was joined by Mr. Scarecrow Mamarazzi didnt waste time to pick her first apple and then her second....and then.... Until we actually picked close to 2 bushels All Aboard, ready for delivery.... We did the same thing with Mom and Dad in Italy, with Linnor and Jerry in Switzerland, so why not do the same thing with Mama and Papa in Canada? So after grapes and strawberries, we chose to pick apples in a 200 year old farmlot in Southern Ontario, Puddycombe. We used to draw apple trees when we were younger. We drew them with big branches and with leaves reaching the sky. Thus, I was expecting to climb trees. Apparently, that wasn't the case. The blossoms were arms-reach and in one branch sit 10-15 apples ready for the taking. It was exciting to create a contest (coincidentally, 2 were in Red and Mama and I were in White shirts) on the biggest apple in terms of size. Apparently there were no winners. We all won! Our prize? Two bushels of apples we hope to share with friends and relatives. Or, we could have one apple a day - to keep the blues away! ******* Happy 7th Birthday, Google! They're 7 years now doing what they do best - search. ******* It's been 50 years, since we said goodbye to the rebel. James Dean would've been 74 this year. ******* President Bush knows how to deal with moments when he has to go - he scribbles notes to Condi Rice. If you can't read it, it says "I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?" << |