The Coast is Clear Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
LifeGuard at the Coast Guard Beach Rated as One of the Best Beaches in the US Nude Sun Bathing Loooong Weekend : Conclusion - Great Beaches of Cape Cod: Coast Guard Beach Toronto to Cape Cod Considered one of the best beaches in the US, CoastGuard Beach was first on our itinerary for the day. Our objective was to scour the best beaches of Cape Cod and along the way see and take snapshots of lighthouses. Our eyes had a feast on both accounts. After driving through Nauset Light, we went straight to this beach known for having to have the old CoastGuard station (still there) and for having a beach that is steeply inclined. In fact, the lifeguard (see above picture) didnt need the high chair to see the horizon of beach combers as he was perched with sand bluffs at least 5 meters high. We stayed for half an hour, dipping our feet into this part of the Atlantic Ocean. This wasnt our first time to do so as we went to the southernmost tip of Europe, Tarifa, 3 years ago to also taste the waters of the Atlantic. ******** Today, I'm so close to the Pacific ocean, and as I wind down another work week here in LA, finishing a training, several meetings and a presentation, the coast for more work is clear and hopefully my weekend will be the same. I hope to be back home soon......... ******** Personalize Jessica Simpson's latest single, with your own name. Yup, for $ 1.99 you could have Jessica sing, Are you gonna keep looking, or get up & talk to me Here's an opportunity, that you don't wanna miss tonight Do what you wanna do Tonight, the world does not exist No, no, no, no Move how you wanna move All my girls work it out, like this Give me room to shake, shake, shake Who are they kidding? I'd rather listen to the Citibank robotic-voice activated phone service when you request for account balance..."Good evening, Mr. This is a rip off. Jessica won't be singing your name. Her sister Ashlee will - lip synch and all. << |