Holding (Tired) Hands Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Remixed Pic Bruce Peninsula, Ontario Summer 2006 ends on Labor Day. It was called a perfect summer by meteorologists for the great weather, few smoggy days, less rainfall and the heat was bearably great! But more than that our finances were clearer as we were able to survive despite major expenses, payment of income taxes, and repayment of investment back home. The blessings were outpouring, the travels, the move and the good health, and lastly the heat - yes, the Miami Heat won the NBA crown, and that was the only heat that I didnt enjoy. :) (Latebreaker: Dwayne Wade and the rest of the US Team lost to Greece this morning in the World Basketball Championship...no surprise there) ******* So I'm not posting any pictures yet. Yeah yeah yeah, I promised and I wasnt true to my word. I promised too to post the Memento Around the World Camera 3 to commemorate 1 year of the great project - and yes, that one got lost in the shuffle too. Blame it on Glen or Thomas, whereever you are facing. Our pet project is eating much of our day and night and we're both enjoying it. ******* I promised too that Mento will be with us til the end of the month, but he left a while back after reaching 30,000 playbacks :) Some of you love the guy eh? ******* Thanks to those who helped paint, clean up and those who prayed for a very organized move - we are ok - holding hands. Hands that are both painted to the nails and elbows that are strained from all the work. But who's complaining? We wouldnt have done it without all of you! ******* Firefox 2.0 has been unleashed. IE 7 is on its last few days before release but Browzar may be the browser for those who want the sites they visit be protected from prying eyes. << |