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Memento Of Our First View of Toronto From the Plane 9/11/2004 (Imagine our excitement - the same intensity then as it is now) Two Years Mississauga, Ontario So it goes. September 8, being Mama Mary's birthday, is always a blessed time of the year. In 2000, it was the day when we dropped our Canadian immigrants' application. 2001, saw me accompanying my In-laws for a visit to Switzerland (yes, we were in a neutral state when 9/11 broke out). In 2002, it was the turn of my own parents to visit Europe. In 2003, we got wind of our immigration status and in 2004, we were packed and ready to go that weekend. While last year, Mama and Papa were here to celebrate with us. And what about this year? We finally finished all renovations to the new home. Pictures? nah....I'll probably just buy myself a new card reader. Can't find it. ******** I was doubly blessed last Saturday as the targetted amount for the GK Walk drive reached more than $ 100. Thanks to all those who supported. Someone pitched in more than enough and our gratitude cant be more than enough as well. ******** Today, is the 5th year of that fateful day. It's also our 2nd year in Canada. << |