From the Red Carpet Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Not in Time to Meet Oscar Los Angeles, California And the winner is...rather - was... I flew in LA at 11:10 pm but the "chauffeur" of the rental car company was driving a tortoise and was stopping from one pick up point to another. I was half anticipating that the rented vehicle wouldnt change into a pumpkin as it was nearing midnight when I got it. I didnt see Kodak Theatre's red carpet, I only saw a fuming red-face after a 5.5 hour red-eye flight that had to wait for 25 minutes for a bus pickup and another 25 minutes to get me a car. ******** So "Crash" won. Good choice. Mitzi and I crammed our Oscar nominee films on DVD and saw "Walk the Line" and "Brokeback Mountain" back to back. Don't ask where we got Brokeback on DVD. Even Air Canada was showing "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" that had some weird caption saying it was for "Award Purposes only"... But yes, our bet for the Best Socially-relevant Picture was Crash. Even from the first time we saw it, I knew it was worth a Best Picture nod. ******** Which leads me to note that its great that the Oscars got back its stripes and are now rewarding politically-relevant films (after Chicago won in 2002 and LOTR won in 2003, which are cinematically great and entertaining but didnt have the political relevance of 2004's Million Dollar Baby (assisted suicide) or this years' nominees. So that's it. Another year. Another Oscar. Another satisfied movie flick fan (who also raves and unabashedly admits to following the local chismis). << |