Hot In The City Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Single Cloud Formation, Mississauga, July 6 Purple Reigns, Mississauga, July 10 Sleigh of Clouds on Golden Backdrop, Hawthorne, California, July 22 LA Temps Reached 118 Degrees Fahrenheit, Manhattan Beach, July 23 Did Anybody Call 911?, Manhattan Beach during the Hottest Sunday this year, July 23 Hot in LA, Hot in Mississauga Summer 2006 On a hot summer night" - Billy Idol, "Hot in the City" With the humidity factor, it was 46 degrees yesterday. That is 15 #$% degrees hotter than the Philippines on a hot summer day. It was slightly lower than that when the whole of California was on an Air-Conditioner buying frenzy on a hot weekend while I was there a week ago. I'm the bearer of heat. ******** Have you tried looking up? If you were these Aussies who saw this cloud formation yesterday, you'd be awe-struck yourself. ******** Above is a collection of images I took the last couple of weeks, while looking up. << |