Pompom Some Things To Cheer About 27. House renovation soon to be completed 26. Yankees lead Marlins in baseball's World Series 2-1 25. Matrix Reloaded and Full Throttle on DVD 24. Dude's Where's My Country? available at Overbooked 23. Calendar design that rocks! 22. Riding a cab with the driver giving out exact change 21. Riding an MRT and seeing chivalry still being practiced 20. NBA Season in 2 weeks, sleepless nights here we go again! 19. Christmas fever is here, uh-oh, good or bad? 18. 13th month pay due to be received and spent 17. Smell of a newly bought paperback 16. Queue-less badminton courts 15. Water, especially since I'm from Paranaque 14. Paid bills 13. Shined shoes 12. Knowing that Mr. Donut coffee tastes like Starbucks 11. A good movie spliced with your night's dream 10. Friendster.com testimonials which don't sound like eulogies 9. Internet connection that works 8. Cellphone signal everytime 7. Food on the table, everyday 6. Blogging and comments on your blogs 5. The beauty of sunrise and sunsets. 4. Traffic-less days which make you feel our country is out of the rut 3. A Family that you can run to anytime, with no pre-conditions, unwavering 2. Gadgets that bridge the distance 1. Waking up beside my wife |