Barely 48 Hours After Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Flying...Again Reflecting Pool Yes, Virginia, we are in Virginia and DC! From Manila to Tokyo to Toronto to Virginia to DC In Flight (August 12 to 15, 2007) Jet lag? What's that? Barely 48 hours flying in from Tokyo to Toronto, I was already driving from Mississauga to Niagara then crossed the borders to Buffalo. As they say, "There's no rest for the wicked." Actually there was. I slept the whole day Monday and was back at work Tuesday. The good thing was that I had enough time to unpack my almost 1 -month old Manila loot and pack for our next adventure! Yes, Virginia, we're now in Virginia and enjoying every minute sucking the bone marrows of life on the go. My first time in DC was also a grand time to be with family and friends from Mitzi's side. ******** Top 3 Things to Do in Washington, DC (From 1. Visit the Smithsonian Institution - DONE! Hope you're enjoying every minute of life...there's no reason for us not to! ********* View a slideshow of our 2-days in Washington DC. ********* No, We Didn't No, we didn't fly in with US President Bush from Quebec after his short 2-day visit to Ottawa last Wednesday. There's barely not enough leg room in Air Force One. And no, our Canada Premier Stephen Harper will not be dissuaded to extending Canada's stay in Afghanistan far after 2009. Maybe that's why President Bush left a day early for the US - maybe to welcome us? :) and No, we're not in Washington to attend the announcement of one of President's Bush's twin daughter's engagement. Really... Congratulations to both Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and future Son-In-Law, Henry Hager, for being brave enough to stand in the presence of GWB and say their piece...bravo! ******** I'll have an audience with the president tomorrow. Just kidding. But yes, I'll have the quintessential picture behind the gates of the White House. Definitely, the gates of the house along 1600 Pennsylvania is the most pictured among the famous gates of famous people. Here's one of my favorites.. And no, I won't do that myself. Only because we have kids with us :) << |