Being Superman Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Superman Party for a Tired Boy Mississauga, Ontario Even heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed...but won't you concede Even heroes have the right to dream It's not easy to be me" - Superman, Five For Fighting After watching Superman on DVD, I wanted to go to a phone booth, don my red cape and fly to the Philippines, blow the typhoon away and not let it wreck havoc to the Bicol region. But it's too late. Add the fact that I can't score 30 points in one perfect quarter and almost singlehandedly win over the current best team. All the more, making me realize once again that I can't bring up my childhood dream to solve all the problems of the world - by being Superman. ******** For almost an hour, sifting through pictures of our 20th Year High School reunion, I was literally thrown back 3 decades ago, seeing all my childhood classmates, crushes and people who I only knew from reading their names on school patches having fun and drinking the night away. At least for some time I felt young again. Thanks Vangie for the trip back to the past. ********* After that walk down memory lane, my eyes were hurting from squinting to recognize old classmates and the stinging pain of my backs called me back to bed. I wasn't after all Superman. << |