Cutting A Slice of Your Day Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Boston Pizza Mississauga, Ontario I was reading this this morning and wanted to really look into my day and how I fare. Here is a typical day for me: Sleep 5 hrs. Twitter 1 hr Facebook 1 hr Blog Read 1 hr Comments 1 hr Social Media = 4 hrs Emails 2 hrs Blog Read 1 hr Meetings 2 hrs Planning 3 hrs Work = 8 hrs Eat 2 hrs Me Time 3 hrs Health 2 hr Routine= 7 hrs There was a reason I don't chat in Facebook, and have also stopped my Plurk account. I have also stopped opening my Multiply or worse, my Friendster account. My Linked In account is opened when I need to update my job description and to research on potential hirees. But those are beside the point. The point is that a big chunk of my day is now spent in Social Media. Good or bad? *********** Related Links: o Reasons Why You Should Blog and Twit o The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media - am committing 3 out of the 7, guess what? o Social Media arent for Cost Cutting So all in all, aside from time spent cleaning the house and enjoying the company of warm bodies of real friends, weekends are always spent offline. Caveat is that I do try to be offline as much as possible. The operative word in that sentence is "T.R.Y" ******** Yes, sleep - there is hope for you to be restful again. Soon after, goodbye sleep apnea. I have cut down on the amount I eat yet I haven't lost weight the last 6 months. I may have found the answer to losing weight - SLEEP. ******** And to conclude, the answer to losing appetite is to view this link. Good luck. Of course, balut is right there in the top 6! << |