The Day After Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Spring! Mississauga, Ontario So it was not much the long night that we were all prepared for. We stacked up 5 boxes of pizza, 2 tubs of ice cream and a lot of spunk awaiting for a 8 to 10 round fisticuff. Or at least more than 10 minutes worth of the $50 shelled out to pay for the Pay Per View cable subscription. Although it was a short night, not just for Ricky Hatton but for some of us who wanted to stay for a long conversation with proud Pinoy friends, it wasn't a disappointment. Far from it. ******** Not only are we Pinoys excited about this win. Even Canadians are happy for Manny Pacquiao. And the best Canuck in the NBA, Steve Nash has even twittered about it: Last year it was Kevin Garnett and the Boston Celtics...this year, a whole new horde of fans. The Pacmania bandwagon includes JRich, Jalen Rose, Andy Roddick, and Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey was in the arena (where she was twitting). Front rows at that. She twitted that it was violent. She maybe rooting for Pacman judging from her last twit after the short fight, "unbelievable", was all she can type. Something we also say with her voice and her ******** This was last year's locker visit of the Celtics after Pacman KO'd David Diaz. There is something about how easy for people to love Manny Pacquiao. He has been for such a long time such a lovable person. He smiles before the game starts, high fives spectators and really is endearing with his show of emotion. He starts wearing his game face when the bell starts. Onwards, it's all business for him. What a person to emulate. Ok, it's Monday in 2 hrs. It's all business for me then. I'll be wearing my game face soon! For now, another view of the 5:59 great match! ********* By the way, it was a great day after, and waking up as late as 11 am is such a welcome treat! I just wonder how long Ricky Hatton slept last night? << |