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Dad's Day 2009
"Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown"
This blog entry was written more than 7 years ago:
No. It's not yet Father's Day. It was Mom's day 2 Sundays ago. But I just wanted to talk about a guy who in close to five decades was my idol, the man who I wanted to be when I was growing and yes the man who was partly to blame for me. My papa.
This afternoon, I finally got to see the video-tribute of our Lola Meding, who turned 88 last May 20. I was deeply moved by the fact that Mama when she was saying her greetings on video could not continue without her voice cracking and sounding like a cat wringed on its neck. Mama was sentimental about her memories of Lolo Mayong, Mama's papa. It occured to me, "Will I be as affected if ever Papa will be gone ahead of us?"
We spent the whole night, us boys in dinner, after dinner, seeing May, my younger sister, join her friends for a Sunday night gimmick and waiting for Mama from her usual "Swimming" party. We enjoyed at least 3 hours just talking about plans of going to France, Italy and Switzerland in September. We were rib-tickled watching Dolphy and Smokey Manoloto and just talked about work, about Mitzi and her work status, about anything. We talked not minding of the time. I guess it was far better than the original plan of playing billiards.
My earlier afternoon thoughts were washed away and it never again came into mind until...
Papa suffered a high blood pressure of 209/100 at 9:40 pm, just before when we wanted to have a second showing of the video. Fortunately, it subsided at 11:10 pm. wheew. I guess I will feel the same as Mama felt when Lolo passed away. nyii. wag muna.
And in 2 weeks time, he suffered a stroke that prompted for a quadruple bypass.
So fast forward to 2009, who would've known, a trip to Europe after 3 months, a trip to Canada in 2005, a Ruby Wedding Anniversary and several family reunions after that Paparazzi is still with us, living healthily and leaving spiritual nuggets of wisdom every now and then.
My only prayer is for him to have better health and more years for him to see me become a father myself...
But even before then, here's to Paparazzi, Happy Father's Day!
And to end this entry with a video taken exactly a year ago today...Paparazzi with his new heart is young again...with her date, Mama - in EK's carousel. Enjoy your time with your respective dads. And if some of them have gone ahead, am saying a prayer with you now for all your dads out there!