Let's Walk and Talk Awhile Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Morning Rituals Manila The best part of my day is the time between waking up and having breakfast. To think that I was never a morning person. I realized that even if my eyes were half shut-half open, and my contact lenses are as hard as a broken glass, I long to smell that sweet scent and carry those small arms that cling to me like a tarsier to a tree. Yes! I wake up to this every morning and God only knows why I was blessed this much, sometimes I feel I don't deserve all His blessings. But yes, you can never outdo a giving God. But God has His mysterious ways and our stay in the Philippines has been more than a mystery to us, it is drama and comedy combined with a lot of children stories on the side. I hope to tell them to all of you - personally. When? you may ask. Maybe, while walking down the path to a coffee shop or our regular morning walks to the park? Sama ka? << |