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Now Toys in the House is Justified Anvaya Cove This blog entry has been disrupted twice over. He comes in asking for time tugging on my shirt to play with his small truck. Yes the first toy he received from us. The other time was more technical in nature. But the many times that I have dropped whatever I was working on and gave total attention to him has been countless. This I foresee will not stop in the years ahead. He is now our priority. In fact, whatever we do now is all set to impact what he and our experience with him will be. We are 3 weeks removed from our trip back home and this past 3.5 months have been the best times of our lives. The rest of the family agrees. An addition to the family always is a welcome treat. ********* Whenever going on a trip, they say that you reserve 1 hr for every kid to prepare. All the packing and of course the toys to go with it should be complete or else you will not hear the end of it. No, not from the wife, as she has never been a nagger but by the lil one. How much time do you prepare for an event? What if there's the small kid in tow? How much time did you prepare for the coming of Christ this Advent season? The small kid always takes precedence. Today, Ninos innocentes or the Feast of the Innocent is the best time to give them a hug, as their innocent ways will always make us drop anything that we're doing. And as if you haven't noticed it yet, even dropping time for blogging in Memento included. << |