Yup, Gab is still 1-2 inches away from doing this on his own
Gab helping Mommy in the Garden
Gab knows the 26 letters, and here's proof using his version of iPad
Gab hijacks Daddy's workstation. See he can type and use the mouse so well, he can be a software developer at 3 yrs old
May Day May Day, this Boy is Growing Up So Fast Mississauga, ON
"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams".
May was a blur! After arriving from LA last May 2, Gabby continued to lose weight after a week long or so bout with diarrhea. But that didn't stop him from experiencing his first bike ride, his first spring gardening and some good times playing inside - with bubble wrap and with daddy's workplace.
Uneventful plane flight home. Whew!
Missing hotdog and fries and back to faves. NOT!
Lost weight after not getting back his food binging ways
Garden. Garden. Garden.
Remembered all his LA antics : Gangsta freeze, surprised, scared and other face contortions
Enjoyed his first bike ride! Even if he cant reach the pedals
Continues to learn things quickly. Surprised us with a quick rundown and recitation of the whole alphabet.
No potty training as of yet. But he can sit down the potty and wait for something to come out. After 5 minutes, he will stand and say "No! No!"
No - his favorite word!
Celebrated his 22nd month, same height, lost lbs.
Second half of May was spent in swimming pools, libraries and a visit to the farm! Watch out for Part 2!