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The Shoes Must Go On, Rather In Mississauga, Ontario Spot the difference between the 2 pics? I can name at least 20 of them, and they're all in clear shoe boxes now.... I couldn't stand the fact that they were of different colors and different sizes. Add the fact that I don't want to take pictures of the shoes and stick them out on shoe boxes - that are yes - of different colors and of different sizes. The solution? Clear Shoe Boxes. Simple solution making a lot of difference, right? ***** Talk about simple living. I only have 15 button down shirts that I rotate all year long. 90% of the time, I'm in t-shirts, and yes, I work from home remember? ***** This week we learned that: 1. Crane collapses on 3 Buildings and kills one. Sometimes cranes dont help in the construction, but also cause destruction. 2. 15.4% of San Francisco is gay., and happy. 3. When gamers see light and sunshine, they turn to rioters. For what? For a PS3, Read about PS3 Crime Spree.. 4. And when will LA police learn that police brutality and amateur videos don't mix? Here's an Iranian-American student escorted outside after being tasered for not showing his ID. Violent language will be heard 5. Hollywood will be quiet. Well at least for over the weekend. As most A-listers and celebrities, all 500 of them will be on hand for the Tom-Kat wedding tomorrow. If Oprah isn't coming, I'm not coming too. Happy Pre-US thanksgiving weekend! << |