Think Positive Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
See the World In a Different Way Let Go, Let God Be True to Yourself Soar Experience a Good Tiredness + Center Island, Toronto Islands, Ontario I felt bad about my Final Project and realized I never really gave a 100% to doing it. I was thinking of other things. I was not focused on the task on hand. It was worth 150 points (30% of the final grade) and would spell a big difference in making an "A" in my Distant Learning Project Management course at UCLA. In hindsight, which they say is 20/20, I realized that in the last 2 weeks, there were so much clutter around me, not only the physical clutter, but the distractions, the unnecessary activities and the unpreparedness. I got my score yesterday, and I missed 3 minimum requirements of the plan, valued at 50 points. I know I could have done better, but didn't. There goes the A. But the lessons on Project Management was just a side learning, it was my being able to realize late that when you surround yourself with positive things, you emit the same positivity and this shows in your relationship with your loved ones, reflects in your activities and evidence is shown in projects that you do. Now I know better. I don't need to get "A" in my course, I will just shoot for an "A" in life, as I've always done. ********** My 5 images above are my contribution to the Think Positive! Group Writing Project. Haha, the photos may not really be the expected contribution to the writing project (hello, writing...), but the captions are :P! Enjoy Life! Thanks Toni for the tag! << |