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Fishing Lynnhaven,Virginia Beach, Virginia (August 20, 2007) Self-sufficiency - as per Wikipedia, refers to the state of not requiring any outside aid, support, or (in hardline cases) interaction, for survival; it is therefore a type of extreme personal or collective (group-based) autonomy. I say that this is impossible. But if we manage resources, see the good in people around us, and trust that we can work hand in hand, we gain self-sufficiency in a different aspect, when it should mean growing one's own food or becoming economically independent of state subsidies or (in the case of larger political entities) foreign aid. Something that Thailand is starting to do. Our family has always believed in the quote for this blog entry. So much so that we've been a family of teachers more than politicians, we've always prospered in sharing than receiving. I hope to do the same in the future too. ****** Until then, I'm consuming the following, multi-tasking between, free-time, me-time, work and play: Currently Reading: Dispatches from Blogistan - a travel guide for the modern blogger Filled with practical, easy-to-implement advice for making blogging more enjoyable, useful, and profitable, this book covers everything from blogging and how it fits into the history of journalism to practical tips for planning and managing a blog, attracting and retaining an active readership. There's always room for blog improvement - even after 5 years. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini Hosseini gives a forceful but nuanced portrait of a patriarchal despotism where women are agonizingly dependent on fathers, husbands and especially sons, the bearing of male children being their sole path to social status. His tale is a powerful, harrowing depiction of Afghanistan, but also a lyrical evocation of the lives and enduring hopes of its resilient characters. If you love the "Kite Runner", they say you will love this even more. Others on the bookshelf: - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Reminiscences by Gen Douglas MacArthur - Illustrated Conversation Book of Japan in English and Japanese Just finished: - nothing. There are 5 other books that are half-way through. Please Lord, give me time to read :) - and allow me to finish them and not just 32-page magazines :P ******* We are currently recruiting members for the GK Youth Build 2008. We are in need of youths from 16-24 years old who can become the next generation of Canadians who are selfless, responsible and passionate about helping others achieve more in life, in short, Canadian Fishers of men :) << |