Goodbye Fall, Hello Thick Jackets Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
The End of Fall Kipling Subway, Milton and Muskoka landscape - the loneliness of it - the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it - the whole story doesn't show."- Andrew Wyeth Winter is confused. Winter was supposed to arrive by December 22, but was a month ahead and came by yesterday and wrecked havoc on the East including Toronto. *********** Shovel and concrete met again yesterday. I love the sound of scraping snow and shoveling them to the side. Last year, I shoveled 5x, the most major one was Valentine's Day. That was almost a foot high of snow, and created a 5-foot pile of cold white winter mess :) *********** Some Black Friday Data - Stores refer to the day after Thanksgiving as "Black Friday" because it once marked the day many retailers turned a profit and went into the black. Creative. - According to a TV Survey, the most wanted for the post-Turkey day is a Flat-Screen TV at 42-inch and above and 60% want an LCD over 30% wanting a Plasma. Men love them big while Women want some floor space. But both agree that they need to see the wrinkles on all of the Desperate Housewives - I hate to be a party pooper but then again I may have done a Buy Nothing Day when I was in LA for Black Friday 2 years ago. The lines were insane and prices were really slashed down. I got my nephews a PS2 (PS3 wasnt out yet) at $ 90 with 3 extra games. I think they're selling them now at that price but without the 3 games extra. So the 2005 experience wasn't that bad. Buy Nothing Day, interestingly was a program that originated from Vancouver. Sour graping Canadians :) ************ So the snow is here. Fall is gone. We're ready to count down to Christmas. The long weekend for the US will be marked by some slacking when people get back to work on Monday, or for some the start of brown bagging of turkey sandwiches. December is looking to be very exciting. ************ "Behind You" slideshow here << |