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Long Long Car Pearson International Airport Toronto, Canada Can you tell how much time you spend in front of the computer? Have you seen any change from when you started blogging and blog hopping? What websites are now eating too much of your time? I took a good reading of what a regular day for me will be: 6 hours : work / volunteer work/ writing / Keynote presentations 10 hours! That's almost half the day already. *********** There's data that in 1999, a high school student spent 10 hours a week on the computer, 15 hours a week in 2004 and jumped to almost 30 hours in 2007. What gives? close to 4 hours, everyday, in front of the computer? what could kids be doing? Chat. Email. Research. Download. Facebook. Listen to music. Watch You Tube. I guess those are great hunches after looking at some high school students who used my laptop recently. Interestingly, with my own data, I spend 50 hours in front of the computer. At least 30 hours of them are paid for :). I wish the rest of them can be monetized as well. I wonder how those who have ads in their blogs earn or those who have had Pay Per Posts have generated? *********** I checked my latest stats and realized my visitors have gone down considerably. In 2002, I was averaging more than 200 visitors daily. With the new distractions, new blogs, new ways to track if there are new blog entry, and of course other new things to do, I'm happy to have 25% of visitors from when there were only a few photoblogs. *********** I have one data that tells the whole story: The blogs I visit since 2002, I still visit everyday. I only added 3-4 new blogs to follow for the last 4 years. That means I bloghop only to 20 favorite blogs daily. I guess that tells the whole story. We only have so much time, and we have so much great blogs to follow. And if you reached this far and are reading this line, it means that you just spent a good 5 minutes of your time with Memento. Thank you for that. << |