The Best of 2007 A Photographic Journey Through the Last 365 Days of Memento
The Best of 2007 Mississauga, Ontario 1/1/08 - an auspicious day indeed! Start of a new year. The beginning. Fresh. How else can one start the new year better but by looking back and enjoying what was and looking forward to what will become? So here goes... This year, I'm praying for: 1. New things to learn : last year, I had speech and voice coaching, graduated from UCLA with a Project Management certificate, studied the bible during winter and fall and trained under a gym coach for the last 2 months of the year. Development of the Mind, Body and Soul - all rolled into one year. 2. New perspective in life: halftime is not 50, halftime is 40. I'm turning 39 and nearing half time. 3. New relationships built: in 2007, co-founded GK Youth Build, moved back to consulting work with new start-up companies, joined Couples for Christ. In 2008, I hope to nurture the relationships built with the poorest of the poor and the Youth, extending my network at work and establishing God's kingdom among the people I live with. 2008 looks very promising. It has an extra day on February 29, that means a bonus day to serve mankind, and fulfill God's plan in our lives! It also means an extra day to blog here in Memento! Have a Blessed 2008! << |