Signing Off, Toronto See You in 30 Days Toronto, Ontario Not anymore. I mean, in less than 30 days, the CN Tower will not be the tallest structure in the world. By the time I come back from Manila, and at the rate the $ 1 Billion-project, Burj Dubai is rising (1 floor a day as mentioned in this article), it will be the tallest structure in the world by mid August. Sorry, CN. At least you've had several new changes lately and they're all good. Although not everyone believes so, you are still the $30-ripoff majestic structure that we Torontonians can still be proud of. ****** In case things become slow here in Memento, please carry-on to this site, for blog updates of our time in Manila. It's partly volunteer work, partly tourism, I call it VOLUNTOURISM, and of course, for me, its mostly coming home. ****** For now, am signing off from you - CN Tower, soon to be the 2nd tallest structure; am signing off too from you - Toronto, and to you so-orderly and traffic-less Mississauga - to be jaded with all that is oh so familiar - and that is Manila. Lights out. << |