Me and My Big Mouth Click left side of photo to go to previous entry/ Click the right half of photo to go to the next
Our Tulip Garden Mississauga Good thing I haven't and didn't act on my threat. I was the one who jumped the gun and accused the squirrel to having eaten our tulip bulbs. And that wasn't the only thing I predicted wrongly. 1. I said Kobe will not win the Most Valuable Award. Of course he did. 2. I said I'd be in Manila by second week of May, but I'm still here nursing a flu in springy Mississauga. 3. I also said that it will be David vs. Syesha in the AI finals. Of course even half-dazed from the Tylenol and the high fever last night, I knew pretty well that Syesha's rendition of "Fever" was never close to my own fever. She'll be out tonight. 4. Lastly, with my current condition its bye bye the Cure concert for me. Oh well. *********** I'll be here licking my wounds and enjoying the bright yellow bulbs from our tulip garden. This is reminiscent of a March entry putting on a pedestal current Detroit City Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick who right now is being ousted by the Detroit City council. Ok. ok. I'll just shut up and take my meds. << |